Join local and state government officials and area business leaders as they discuss and address important public policy issues affecting our region. Topics of discussion will include Economic Development site readiness; Energy sustainability; and Workforce Development.
Scheduled panelists for these discussions are:
Economic Development and site selection process readiness
Sarah Boyarko, Lake to River Economic Development;
Julie Green, Trumbull County Planning Commission;
Jim Kinnick, P.E., Eastgate Regional Council of Governments;
Anthony Trevena, Western Reserve Port Authority Executive Director.
Moderator: Mike McGiffin, Lake to River Economic Development
Energy reliability and sustainability
State Rep. Monica Robb Blasdel, member of Ohio House Energy and Natural Resources Committee and Vice Chair of Ohio House Utilities Committee;
Zach Kent, Encino Energy;
Ben Kroeck, Enbridge Gas Ohio;
Daniel Knupp, First Energy.
Moderator: Lyle Huffman, Regional Chamber
Workforce participation and development
State Rep. Nick Santucci, Vice Chair Economic and Workforce Development Committee;
Mary Kate Hastings, Northeast Ohio Regional Representative to Lt. Gov. Jon Husted;
Matt Falter, Lake to River Economic Development;
Carol Ramsay-Loomis, OhioMeansJobs Mahoning County.
Moderator: Guy Coviello, Regional Chamber
ALSO, results of this summer's Community Needs Assessment addressing barriers to employment, conducted by Youngstown Area Goodwill Industries in partnership with the Regional Chamber, will be released during a special presentation at this event. Don't miss this important discussion!