Lattes & Legislators with Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 (7:30 AM - 9:00 AM) (EDT)
State Treasurer Robert Sprague, who successfully launched the ResultsOHIO initiative supporting pay-for-success programs aimed at combatting the social and public health challenges facing Ohio, will be the special guest during the Regional Chamber’s monthly Lattes & Legislators speaker series March 23.
Treasurer Sprague’s office is known for empowering individuals living with disabilities through the use of specialized savings and investment accounts. The STABLE Account program is seeing unprecedented growth under Sprague, with participation more than doubling from January 2019 through December 2020.
The Treasurer’s office is also partnering with multiple public and private sector employers to provide eligible employees with direct deposit options for contributing to a STABLE account. Through expanded outreach and engagement efforts, STABLE Account has maintained its status as the nation’s premiere ABLE program.
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